† Ministry to the Migrants
(Migration is an expression of the aspiration of every person to improve his or her living conditions, economically, politically and culturally. Having been attentive to the urgent needs of the people, the 3rd Vice Provincial Chapter (2018) chose “Migrant People” as its primary missionary priority. This is in line with our Constitutions and Statutes, which invites us to respond “with missionary thrust to the pressing pastoral needs of the most abandoned, especially the poor” (Cons 1) The Conference of Asia-Oceania, to which the Vice Province of Majella belongs, has migrant people as the first category of people to whom we cater to.)
The Apostolic Priorities serve as the 'How,' outlining the means by which we respond to the Missionary Priority. Having chosen 'Migrants' as our missionary priority, we are committed to addressing their social, cultural, economic, legal, health, educational, and spiritual needs through 'Pahunch,' the outreach wing of our Vice Province. Subsequently, the following are our Apostolic Priorities to cater to the migrants and others..
† Explicit Proclamation of the Word: Preaching of the Good News especially to the abandoned through parish missions, catechetical programs, youth ministry, ministry to married couples, retreats to religious and priests etc.
† Parish Ministry: Through Parish Ministry we shall endeavour to reach out to the people entrusted to our care and work for the greater participation of the laity in the Church.
† School Ministry: We shall cater to the children through our schools for migrants and slum dwellers, and children with physical and intellectual disabilities and other children.
† Social Ministry: Reaching out to the migrants, poor and socially disadvantaged people through awareness programmes, education, employment, health, social and legal benefits.
† Justice and Peace and Integrity of Creation: Being a voice to the voiceless, siding with the marginalized and the poor and working towards protection of the environment and safeguarding the ecology. (cf: Apostolic Plan, Majella V. Province)
In order to fulfil the mission we shall utilize the following resources.
† Community: Renewal of our community life is basic to the revitalization of our apostolic life in the Vice Province. We shall pay attention to community structures, to the discussion of their effectiveness for the mission and the wellbeing of each member.
† Formation: Formation for mission is the most fundamental of all our priorities. Through the Secretariat of Formation, RYVM, Initial and Ongoing Formation -we shall constantly strive to find effective means to achieve our goals.
† Partnership in Mission: The Vice Province has committed itself to begin a process that shall take forward shared mission with the laity. Shared Mission with laity is to be exercised especially in migrant ministry.
† Government, Leadership and Administration: Through a leadership which is transparent, accountable, humble and emphasizes integrity, the Vice Province shall seek to promote the wellbeing of all, especially the most abandoned. The financial management will be based on the values of ethical investment, proper stewardship, sustainability and transparency.
† Our Common Home: At the level of our Unit, Community, School, Parish and at the individual level, we shall commit to the care for the environment. (cf: Apostolic Plan, Majella V. Province)