Nirmala Mata Church
Naigaon West
Pincode: 401 202
Mobile: 9561057808
Nirmala Mata Church was established as a parish in the year 2000. It has a unique and beautiful architecture. Many faithful who come to this church are always enamoured by its beauty. This parish is named after the Immaculate Conception. Nirmala Mata church is an integral part of the Vasai Diocese. This church also is known for it’s devotion to Our Mother of Perpetual Help. The icon placed and venerated in this church was blessed by Pope Francis in Rome on the occasion of 150 years of handing over the icon to the Redemptorist.
In 1973 Jesuits came to Umela, Naigaon from Manikpur, St. Michael’s Parish. They laid the initial foundation for the chapel. This chapel functioned as a sub-station of St. Michael’s Church. Then in the year 2000 the Redemptorists took over the chapel and it was formally erected as a parish in the year 2001. In the past two decades Redemptorists have strived to reach out to the people with the message of God’s love.
Name of the Trust: Nirmala Mata Mandir
Name of the Parish: Nirmala Mata Church
Total Number of Families: 70
Total Population: 240
No. of BCC zones: 5
No. of Associtaions: SVP, Ladies Sodality, Youth Group, Famiy Cell
Convents: Sisters of Mary Immaculate (SMI)
Liturgical Services:
Weekdays: Monday – Saturday : 7.30am Marathi Holy Eucharist
Wednesday: 7.30am Holy Eucharist followed by Novena to OLPS
Sunday: 7.30 am Marathi Holy Eucharist
9 am English Holy Eucharist